Gratitude in Advocacy

August 14, 2025 | Webinar


Join us for Part 3 of 4 in our Healthcare Advocacy Series!  This session explores the powerful role of gratitude in healthcare advocacy work, emphasizing its importance in maintaining a positive mindset and enhancing advocacy efforts. Participants will learn strategies for cultivating gratitude and learn how a grateful perspective can fuel motivation, resilience, and effectiveness in healthcare advocacy.

Learning Objectives

  • Illustrate the significance of gratitude and its impact on motivation, resilience, and overall well-being.
  • Discuss effective strategies for cultivating gratitude.
  • Illustrate the benefits of maintaining a positive mindset and how gratitude can enhance advocacy efforts by fostering relationships, increasing resilience, and inspiring others.



Evan Dunne
Government Relations Manager at HIMSS
LinkedIn Profile

Evan Dunne is a member of the Government Relations team at HIMSS. Since joining the organization in 2018, he has engaged with Federal, State and Tribal partners to advance digital health through sharing policy best practices and forging strategic partnerships. He is instrumental in shaping the team’s strategic vision and thought leadership, focusing on research, advocacy, and maintaining strong relationships with HIMSS members. He currently oversees the HIMSS Chapter Advocacy Task Force where he trains and facilitates chapter member engagement on local advocacy centered around the HIMSS public policy priorities. Evan also launched the HIMSS Native American & Indigenous Community where he leads efforts to convene and elevate health IT needs for Tribes and Indigenous people across the globe. Prior to HIMSS, he worked for the Hoover Institution in addition to several stints on Capitol Hill as a Data & Strategy fellow for the 2016 election. 

Evan received his undergraduate degree in Government & International Politics from George Mason University and proudly served as a George Mason Ambassador during his tenure as a student. Evan is passionate about his friends and family, community, powerlifting, his sports teams, supporting local farms and travelling to new cities.